Grindstone (whetstone) or knife sharpener? This is the crucial question for both hobby and professional chefs when it comes to sharpening their knives. Both systems are widely used and have similarities in various aspects. However, there are significant differences in their operation and suitability, leading many to wonder: Which solution is ideal for me? We will clarify!
In this article, we will discuss the differences between water and oil whetstones and highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each variant. We also look at which grindstone is suitable when and for whom, and how they are used correctly. You will also learn how the Tyrolean abrasive expert Tyrolit facilitates this process with high-quality products so that you can always keep your knives in top shape.
In this article, we will look at the differences between whetstones or sharpening stones and grinding machines in detail, and also talk about the innovative knife sharpeners from Tyrol-based abrasive expert Tyrolit.
In this article, we take a look at the properties and benefits of ceramic whetstones or sharpening stones. Additionally, we discover why they are appealing to both professional chefs and amateur cooks alike. We also explore why the Tyrolean abrasive expert, Tyrolit, relies on ceramic whetstones for its knife sharpeners. Read all the benefits now!
Choosing the right whetstone or sharpening stone is anything but trivial: it is only by regularly sharpening knives that they retain their sharpness. In order to provide an overview here, we will introduce you to different types of grinding stones in this article. In addition, we will show you how we at Tyrolit, as long-standing abrasive experts, have further developed the classic sharpening stone into our innovative knife sharpeners. Read more!
The question of the ideal grit of whetstone for sharpening knives comes up, especially when food begins to not slice as smoothly as usual in the kitchen. For both amateur and professional chefs alike, few things are more frustrating than squished tomatoes, shredded celery, or squashed onions. This article answers all your questions!
Can a whetstone become dull? And what to do if the whetstone or knife sharpener loses its sharpening power? We explain this in this post.